
About GenComm

Our mission is to provide the highest level of customer service and to exceed our customers’ expectations.

General Communications Demo Vehicle

GenComm is a leader in public safety systems, two-way radios and vehicle upfitting; with more than sixty employees and five locations serving Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. GenComm is family owned and operated, with locations in Madison, Milwaukee, Eau Claire, Wisconsin Rapids and Johnsburg/McHenry, Illinois. Our staff’s expertise is unrivaled, along with our on-call 24-hour service team. We know the business and we care about our customers.

Why Choose Us

GenComm is fully versed in the newest advances in wireless technology, from mobile and portable digital two-way radios to in-car video. We have significant buying power and large on-hand inventory, saving customers time and money. From sales and rentals to service, installation and repairs, GenComm strives to provide the highest level of customer service to exceed all expectations. At GenComm, your safety is our business.

Awards & Affiliations

General Communication Affliate Sound Off Signal

General Communication Affiliate Icom America
General Communication Affiliate Bratfest

BratFest Gold Sponsor

General Communications Affiliate Fitchburg Chamber

General Communication Affiliate Wisconsin EMS Association Member

General Communication Affiliate Wisconsin Fire Chief Association Member

General Communication Affiliate Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce

General Communication Affiliate MMAC

GenComm History


General Communications was started as a TV/Radio sales and repair business.


Verne Vlack bought Evan’s Radio and TV from Dick Evans.


The company migrated to two-way radio communications and as the business grew, General Communications was formed.


General Communications established their name and opened a second location in the Milwaukee area.


The two businesses Evans Radio & TV and General Communications divided in separate directions to retail and commercial sales moving General Communications to a new location.


The Corporate headquarters was relocated to a large 36,000 square foot facility in Madison.


Opened our 3rd location in Eau Claire, serving all of Northwest Wisconsin.


Moved into new larger locations in both Milwaukee and Eau Claire.


General Communications acquires Radicom in February.


General C0mmunications acquires Air Communications of Central Wisconsin in January.


General Communications was rebranded as GenComm.


Radicom and GenComm complete merger into one entity.